Galerie für nachhaltige Kunst in Berlin


Climate change to go

Fuel to go, (C) T.A. Climate change to go

Fuel to go, (C) T.A.

Exhibition 15.5. – 19.6.2020

In the meantime, because of Corona, we have successfully put the last exhibition online: ” Homeland: Think globally, act locally”. We show the analogously planned exhibition “Climate change to go” also online:

Click here for the online exhibition


Many people do not feel affected by climate change. They continue to live the way they have been living. Even those who recognize the problem often find it difficult to make sustainable consumption choices in their hectic daily lives or because of societal expectations.

The demand for decadent luxury reinforces immense emissions of climate-damaging greenhouse gases, said economist Nico Paech of the University of Siegen. “It’s cruises, it’s SUVs, it’s air travel, it’s digital electronics, and it’s the demand for even more housing.” This, he said, is pure convenience that cannot be justified as satisfying essential basic needs.(SPON DEC. 1, 2019)

The government fears being voted out of office if it takes major measures. The lobby is putting on the brakes. Some people think you can solve everything with technology on the side. Scientists and committed people warn and demand political and personal changes. The outstanding changes are big. Society needs transformation.

What are the choices driven by comfort, what are their consequences, what are the reasons for our actions, and how can we forge new paths as individuals and as a community?

Desiccated. Rika Pütthoff-Glinka. Dortmund, 2019, photo collage, 70 x 100 cm climate change to go

Dried out. Rika Pütthoff-Glinka. Dortmund, 2019, photo collage, 70 x 100 cm

Participating artists:
Manja Dessel, Lioba von den Driesch, Francesco Gioacchini, Stephan Groß, Rika Pütthoff-Glinka, Julia Schicker, Rosa Schmidt, Mari Terauchi, Martin Zellerhoff

Climate change to go program

Exhibition online

15.5.2020, 7 pm Vernissage

Welcome and introduction to the exhibition by curator Tom Albrecht (Video 6:41 min.)

Video chat of the guests and GG3. For this click the link for Chrome browser from 7 pm here at this point.

Artists meet guests online

on alternating dates, moderated by Tom Albrecht
In each case from 18:00 to max. 18:30. Preparation from 5 pm.
Please from 18.5. in each case to the dates from 5 pm click below on the link with the artist name.

We use the very privacy friendly open source jitsy meet.
Only participants with images and speech will be admitted.
For PC, please use Chrome or Firefox or Safari browsers.
Large screens are an advantage.
For smartphone, tablet must be previously installed the app Jitsy Meet from the store, for Android privacy sensitive from the F-Droid store.
Headset recommended or earphone with microphone
Camera and microphone must be activated.

Martin Zellerhoff 18.5.

Julia Schicker 26.5.

Rosa Schmidt 28.5.

Francesco Gioacchini 29.5.

Mari Terauchi 2.6.

Lioba von den Driesch 4.6.

Manja Dessel 5.6

Stephan Great 15.6

Rika Pütthoff-Glinka 17.6.

See also: Post a comment and Facebook

12.6., Online video lecture

Christian Löwe, Federal Environment Agency: “Environmental crisis, digitality and art”.

(19:21 min.)

Born in 1965, holds a degree in forestry from the University of Bremen, and has been a research associate at the Federal Environment Agency since 1993, currently working in the area of “Digitization and Environmental Protection, E-Government”.
Central: Work and research focus:

  • Socio-ecological transformations of everyday life and society (Applied Social/Cultural Environmental Studies).
  • Social innovations, green economy, (digital) culture of sustainability
  • Environmental policy and environmental communication for sustainable consumption patterns and lifestyles
  • Participation in the working group “Art and Environment” of the Federal Environment Agency.
Lecture short text

The permanent overstepping of planetary boundaries not only overtaxes the climate and the environment, but also leads economically, socially and culturally into a dead end. More and more people are becoming aware that the prevailing forms of economic activity, consumption patterns and lifestyles in modern societies are already causing the economic and social costs of environmental degradation to rise immeasurably, and will thus severely restrict the scope for a good, successful life for present and, above all, future generations. Germany must set out on the path to a sustainable society. Environmental policy is thus increasingly becoming an extended social and cultural policy. But what does Germany need to achieve a culture for sustainability? And what new impulses can arise from an increased interplay between digitality and art for a cultural dynamization of the socio-ecological transformation? Does this result in starting points for a cultural (political) economic stimulus program that can lead to new forms of aestheticizing innovation as well as social experiments for a digital culture of sustainability?

6/19, 7 pm Finissage

“Post-exhibition reading” via public group video chat with the exhibition artists, guests, and the GG3 team. Please have drinks available for toasting.
Link to the chat is available here from 18:45.

49. exhibition

Home: Think globally, act locally

Antennae local, (C) T.A. Home: Think global, act local

Antennas local, (C) T.A.

We show the exhibition online because of the risk of corona infection

The health of the participants is important to us. We do not want to contribute to additional danger with the events.

We show:

  • The works at this point with video statements of the artists, photos and text
  • Program activities “Introduction to the exhibition”, “Reading”, “Workshop”, “Lecture”, “Performance” online at the announced times.
  • Everything on

    Flyer of the exhibition: Printed and not used. (C) T.A. Home: Think globally, act locally

    Flyer of the exhibition: Printed and not used. (C) T.A.

Click here for the online exhibition 20.3. – 8.5.2020

Objects, installations, drawing, photography, videos, audio, performance-
Program: reading, singsong.

Ten artists represent the saying “Homeland: Think globally, act locally” in their works:

Tom Albrecht, Matthias Fritsch, Victoria Hohmann, Simon Knab, Claudia Kochsmeier, Diana Pacelli, Rosa Schmidt, Raimon Sibilo, Yoana Tuzharova, Sven Wieder.


imperative of flexibility.tandem case. Yoana Tuzharova, Home: Think globally, act locally

imperative of flexibility. Tandem case. Yoana Tuzharova. 2020

The old slogan of the alternative movement combines global responsibility with local action. In the homeland where we are at home, we are strong. The earth is a complex organism in which cause and effect are not always spatially close. Through our decision, we as purchasers can directly influence the actions of the polluters. But politicians must also take action.

Today, there are more and more local reasons to act: The daughter doesn’t want to eat meat anymore for climate protection reasons. Friends talk about flight shame and plastic shame. For the ski vacation lacks snow at the usual resort. The bark beetle has attacked the local forest. The water level in German regions is falling. The summer heat is unbearable. Farmers have crop losses due to drought.

Example: virgin forests are being destroyed on Earth, so globally, which is what I want to fight. That’s why I protest locally, i.e. on the spot in my neighborhood, when a forest or park is destroyed here, try to save paper myself and don’t buy any items made from tropical wood. Abstaining from meat also helps, as the cleared land is often used to raise cattle or grow soy for livestock feed.

Example: Increasing emissions of carbon dioxide are heating up the earth’s climate, which is a global problem. As an individual in Germany, I cannot influence politics in China or India so that fewer coal-fired power plants are built there or people do not drive cars. But I myself can, for example, as a local decision, use a bicycle instead of a car and influence the policy.

Program Home: Think globally, act locally

Vernissage 20.3., 7 p.m. online

  • Introduction to the exhibition by Tom Albrecht
  • Reading: Rainer Stahl “Home in Nature. Poetry and slightly weird” (Video 20:16 min.)

Lecture 3/27, 7 p.m. online

Johannes Schorling Promoter of the INKOTA network for sustainable development within the framework of the Berlin promoter program campaign “Make Chocolate fair!

Johannes Schorling (Inkota Network): “Conscious Consumption and Politics. Between “fasting” and the call for regulation”.. 30 pages pdf

Worksh, 30 foilsop 3.4., 7 p.m. not applicable

Kirsten Vogeler collects plants, prepares to eat together. Matthias Fritsch regularly lives in the data strike. Suggestions for sustainable redesign of our everyday activities.

Artist talk and performance 24.4.

  • see statements of the artists in the online exhibition

  • Corona Performance / Viral Horizons from Tom Albert and Rosa Schmidt

    The idea for this performance arose spontaneously under the first impression of the threat of the corona virus and the subsequent shutdown of the economy, travel and physical encounters. “The virus is the most radical decelerator of our time”. (

    Hartmut Rosa


    Climate change and the Corona pandemic are linked. Being globally everywhere and using global resources is part of the reason for the pandemic. More and more people are claiming more and more wildlife habitats, land use has been greatly changed by humans, wildlife, livestock and animal products are transported around the globe, and global travel increased greatly.



    The planet a sphere, yielding to gravity a breathing, an admission to rotation in the colored twilight, to perishability, to becoming and passing, an exercise of trust in the carrying capacity of the earth’s crust, an overcoming of the civilization’s flight acceleration frenzy, a momentary collapse of total networking, a vanity withdrawal attempt, a suspension, a farewell, a flapping of wings, a prayer close to the earth, an erection of the spine against the gesture of domination, a shift of perspective in several sequences, a transformation of techno-totalitarian arrogance compulsions.

Finissage 8.5., 7 p.m. online

Rheinischer Singsang: Tom Albrecht“Methadon aus Grünheide” (Video 4:45 Min.)



Team GG3, Curators: Team GG3

48. exhibition

Artists for Future

Exhibition 1.11. – 13.12.2019

Exhibition, talks, lecture with objects, active objects, photos, photo collage, videos, audio work, walk-in assemblage, interactive installation, dance performance, hybrid walking act, music performance by and with 19 artists. A confessional for ecological sins is ready for use.

Gold foil people, 2019, (C) Sissy Schneider Artists for Future

Gold foil people, 2019, (C) Sissy Schneider


Petra Abroso, Tom Albrecht, Anna Borrie, Georg Cevales, Olga Drachuk-Meyer, Lioba von den Driesch, Keeley Haftner, Alexa Helbig, Astrid Indricane, Marte Kiessling, Clementine Klein, Maria Korporal, Nadine Lemke, Uwe Molkenthin, Rolf Pilarsky, Rosa Schmidt, Sissy Schneider, Maria Vedder

Individuals are starting to build insect hotels, care for bees in the city, garden urban. Citizens measure their ecological footprint. Renewable energy and organic farming are on the rise. Climate protection agreements are being reached all over the world.

But the change of direction is happening too slowly. Because today, islands are sinking, climate refugees are arriving, weather extremes are increasing, species are dying, heavy rain is flooding. Scientists warn. The young generation is demonstrating for real climate protection. The governing politicians are not moving. The German government wants a belated exit from lignite. The citizen drives SUVs, eats his daily meat, flies short trips, denies climate change.

We as artists are concerned about what our future will look like. We support the protests for more climate and environmental protection. As artists, we make contributions to the world of the future. What do these contributions look like?

Over 100 artists applied, from which we selected strong, exciting works.


Listening guests, (C) T.A. Artists for Future

Eavesdropping guests, (C) T.A.

Vernissage Fri. Nov. 1, 7 p.m.
Dance performance: Olga Drachuk-Meyer: The Trial of Liberation
The VLQ – Very Large Quartet sings a capella folk and pop songs in upbeat barbershop arrangements.

Lecture with discussion Fri. Nov. 8, 7 p.m., Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Schnauss, Office for Sustainable Development: “Suchbewegungen auf dem Weg zum Guten Leben. – Past and current sustainability movements. What’s the next step?” Lecture: Search Movements Good Life, 0.86MB, 45 slides
Exhibition from 5 pm

Artist Talk Fr. Nov. 15, 7 p.m. Artists of the exhibition present their works in person and via Skype and talk about them with guests.
Exhibition from 5 pm

Workshop Fri Nov. 22, 5-7 p.m.: How can artists reduce their environmental footprint? The theme is their everyday practice, their choice of materials, their travel and transportation. Moderation Tom Albrecht (In German)

How can artists reduce their ecological footprint?1. Artists for Future

How can artists reduce their ecological footprint? 1.

How can artists reduce their ecological footprint? 2 Artists for Future

How can artists reduce their ecological footprint? 2.

Results of the workshop. For the open questions there should be another appointment in the next exhibition.




Our results were recorded by the summer art blog

Exhibition Fri. Nov. 29, 5-8 p.m. The artist Alexa Helbig will be present.

Tom Albrecht: The future is open. A collaborative dice game around personal visions. Fr. Dec. 6, 7 p.m.
Exhibition from 5 pm. The artist Lioba von den Driesch will be present.

Our game went very entertainingly in three hours. Laughter, seriousness and informative discussion alternated. We agreed, the game should be spread and marketed!

Future Game Result, (C) T.A. Artists for Future

Future game result, (C) T.A.

Future Playing, (C) T.A. Artists for Future

Future game end, (C) T.A.







Future Game Instructions (pdf 1 page, (C) T.A.), Game Cards (pdf, 6 pages (C) T.A.).


Closing Fri. Dec. 13, 7 p.m.

Rosa Schmidt with Hybrid Walking Act: INDIGO HABITAT/NORTHEASTZIRKULATIONEN. Video 2:13min.
The performer asks visitors to bring the batteries of their smartphones charged.

Exhibition from 5 pm


Gallery of the Global 3000 Group e.V., Leuschnerdamm 19, 10999 Berlin
U8 Moritzplatz, U1 Kottbussertor, M29 Oranienplatz, Bus 147 Michaelkirchplatz
Google Maps


Team GG3,
: Tom Albrecht

Artists for Future

Exhibition “Artists for Future” Fridays 5 – 8 pm

Exhibition, talks, lecture 1.11. – 13.12.2019 with objects, active objects, photos, photo collage, videos, audio work, walk-in assemblage, interactive installation, dance performance, hybrid walking act, music performance from and with 19 artists. A confessional for ecologic sins is ready for use.

Gold Foil People, 2019, (C) Sissy Schneider Artists for Future

Gold Foil People, 2019, (C) Sissy Schneider


Petra Abroso, Tom Albrecht, Anna Borrie, Georg Cevales, Olga Drachuk-Meyer, Lioba von den Driesch, Keeley Haftner, Alexa Helbig, Astrid Indricane, Marte Kiessling, Clementine Klein, Maria Korporal, Nadine Lemke, Uwe Molkenthin, Rolf Pilarsky, Rosa Schmidt, Sissy Schneider, Maria Vedder

Individuals are starting to build insect hotels, housing bees in the city, doing urban gardening. Citizens are measuring their ecological footprint. Renewable energies and organic farming are increasing. Climate protection agreements are being made worldwide.

But the reversal is happening too slowly. Today, islands are sinking, climate refugees are coming to the borders, extreme weather is on the rise, species are dying. Scientists are warning us. The young generation is demonstrating for real climate protection. But the politics are not changing. The German government wants to keep coal power plants running longer than planned. Citizens are driving SUVs, eating meat every day, flying short distances, and even denying climate change.

We as artists worry about what our future will look like. We support the protests for more climate and environmental protection. As artists, we contribute to the world of the future. What do these contributions look like?

Over 100 artists applied, of which we selected strong, exciting works.


Listening Guests at Dance Performance (C) T.A. Artists for Future

Listening Guests at Dance performance (C) T.A.

Vernissage Fri Nov 1, 7 pm
Dance performance: Olga Drachuk-Meyer: The Trial of Liberation, Video 12 min.
A capella singers: The VLQ – Very Large Quartet sings with five men and three women sing folk and pop songs in lively barbershop arrangements.

Lecture with conversation: Fr. Nov. 8, 7 pm, Dipl.Ing. Matthias Schnauss, Office for Sustainable Development: “On the Search for a Good Life – Past and Present Sustainability Movements – How to Continue?” (In German).

Artist Talk: Fri. Nov. 15, 7 pm. Artists of the exhibition present their works in person and via Skype and answer questions from the public.

Result 1: How can artists reduce their ecological footprint? (in german), (C) T.A.

Result 1: How can artists reduce their ecological footprint? (in german), (C) T.A.

Workshop Fri Nov 22, 5 – 7 pm: How can artists reduce their ecological footprint? The theme is everyday practice, choice of materials, travel and transport, and everyday life as a consumer. Moderation Tom Albrecht (In German).

Exhibition Fri Nov 29, 5-8 pm. The artist Alexa Helbig is present.


Result 2: How can artists reduce their ecological footprint? (in german), (C) T.A.

Result 2: How can artists reduce their ecological footprint? (in german), (C) T.A.







Tom Albrecht: The future is open. A common dice game about personal visions.
Exhibition Fri Dec 6, 5-8 pm. The artist Lioba von den Driesch is present.

Our game was very entertaining in three hours. Laughter, serious and informative discussions took place. We agreed that the game should be distributed and marketed!

Future Game Players, (C) T.A. Artists for Future

Future Game Players, (C) T.A.

Future Game Result, (C) T.A. Artists for Future

Future Game Result, (C) T.A.


Future Game manual (in German, pdf, 1 page (C) T.A.)

Playing cards (german, pdf, 6) (C) T.A.)





Finissage Fri. Dec. 13, 7 pm.
Hybrid Walking Act: Rosa Schmidt with INDIGO HABITAT / NORTH EAST CIRCULATIONS.
Video 2:13min.

The performer asks visitors to bring the batteries of their smartphones with them.
Exhibition from 5 pm.

Location: Gallery of the Global 3000 Group e.V., Leuschnerdamm 19, 10999 Berlin
U8 Moritzplatz, U1 Kottbussertor, M29 Oranienplatz, Bus 147 Michaelkirchplatz
Google Maps

Jury: Team GG3, Curator: Tom Albrecht

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