Thirteen visual artists show 9.2. – 13.4.18 with object, photo, painting, graphics, video and installation their critical view of farmer seeks industry . This art exhibition deals with a current process that is not sustainable.
Today, small and medium-sized farms have to hold their own against agricultural factories and investor farms. Therefore, farms are dying and agricultural land is becoming an investment asset. “Land grabbing” robs land area through rising land prices. Newly built mega stables pollute air and water and this leads to manure tourism. Liquid manure is transported to other regions and countries where the groundwater is not yet so heavily contaminated with nitrates. Feed and dumping exports harm distant countries. The right to free seeds must be fought for. We see less insect slush on car windshields as a visible result of insect mortality. The largest tractor is a status symbol. Some “farmers are looking for industry” because they hope to survive and fall further into their dependence.
“For decades, agricultural policy, its international institutions and also private and public research considered subsistence and small-scale farmers to be nothing more than regressive “discontinued models” of a pre-industrial way of doing business. With few exceptions, “Grow or weaken!” has been the capitalist and socialist credo of progress for more than 50 years. Only larger economic units were capable of achieving the necessary global increase in production through modern and rationalized cultivation methods, primarily through increased use of chemicals and machinery.” Quoted from World Food Report: Rural and Industrial Agriculture
This exhibition “Farmer Seeks Industry” was put out to public tender internationally. When selecting applicants, we make sure that their works relate to the advertised theme. Art and sustainability is our theme. Future generations should have the same opportunities for a fulfilling life as we do. At the same time, opportunities must be distributed more fairly for all people on earth. Sustainable development combines economic progress with social justice and protection of the natural environment. We want to contribute to this with our artistic work by giving impulses to the public.
Farmer seeks industry
What do artists have to say about the current processes? Do they see alternatives? Many international artists applied to participate in the exhibition. We thank you!
Exhibiting artists
Tom Albrecht, Sandra Becker, Susanne Gabler, Michael Hoepfel, Irene Hoppenberg, Esteban Lahoz, Gabriela Lesmes, Benna G. Maris, Lucie Stahl, Annette Stüsser-Simpson, Mari Terauchi, Sven Wieder, Regine Wolff
Her formats are object, photo, painting, graphic, video, installation. Two events complement with performance, lecture and conversation.
Interwiev with five artists of the exhibition, recorded on the eve of the vernissage: Michael Hoepfel, Regine Wolff, Irene Hoppenberg, Tom Albrecht and Esteban Lahoz, 22 min.
Video documentation of the exhibition (3:06 min.)
Exhibition – Talks 9.2. – 13.4.18, Exhibition Fridays 17-20:00
Demonstration: January 20, 2018, 11 a.m., Berlin Hauptbahnhof: Wir haben Agrarindustrie satt!
Vernissage: 9.2., 19 o’clock, Ulrike Behn lays and interprets intuitively tarot cards to the
Topic “How is our agriculture developing?”
16.2. The artist Michael Hoepfel ist present.
Artist talk: Feb. 23, 7 p.m.
Artists of the exhibition talk with guests about their works.
2.3. The artist Irene Hoppenberg will be present.
9.3. The artist Lucie Stahl will be present.
Lecture Fri.23.3. , 7 p.m. “Industry Eats Farmers?” Jochen Fritz: Farmer, coordinator of the “Meine Landwirtschaft” campaign and the “Wir-haben-es-satt” demonstration.
What can the consumer do? Preferably eat meat only as Sunday roast, buy goods with organic label, from regional cultivation, from markets with goods from the region, Neulandfleisch, Fairtrade. Investment in bio-soil cooperative, regional value joint stock companies
Presentation by Jochen Fritz (German, 53 min.)
6.4. The artist Sandra Becker will be present.
Finissage 4/13, 7 pm
Group Global 3000 Project Room
Leuschnerdamm 19
10999 Berlin