Processes with uncertain outcome
Exhibition of works by Stephan Groß
21.7. – 18.8.2023, exhibition Tues. and Fri. 17-20 h, with program
A multimedia installation about chemistry, plastic, garbage, generational change and the end of the world in the broadest sense. A monumental Braille script made of floor grate modules makes air pollution visible. Historical cases of climate migration, mass murder, and repositioning as a cultural-industrial actor illustrate facets of the chemical industry. The question of the dialectic of progress is coming to a head and crystallizing in new ecological youth movements.
Fri., 7/21, 7 p.m. Vernissage, welcome by Tom Albrecht, introduction to the exhibition by Dr. Klaus Bock
Tues., Aug. 1, 7 p.m. Artist talk, The artist talks about his works with guests. Moderated by Dr. Klaus Bock. Followed by music by DJ Ha Neu: “Environment through the eyes of pop. Perspectives from Punk, Hip-Hop, and Independent.”
Stephan Groß will be present from 5 pm.
Fri., Aug. 4, 7 p.m. Performance and video evening “The Vision Machines”: The Preliminary Prophecy(Stephan Groß and Frédérique Lanquetin) & Big in China(Dominic Gagnon)
Stephan Groß will be present from 5 pm.
Tues, 8/15, 7pm Lecture, Talk, Workshop “Ways Out of Powerlessness. Exchange with Last Generation before the Climate Tipping Points”: Last Generation
Stephan Groß will be present from 5 pm.

Workshop “Ways out of powerlessness. Exchange with Last Generation before Climate Tipping Points,” (C) M.K.
Fri., Aug. 18, 7 p.m. Finissage and reading, performance “Risks of the Word Step”: Clemens Schittko, Anna Staffel and Robert Klages
Stephan Groß will be present from 5 pm.