QLIMATE QRONOBOT. AI and the future of our planet

Exhibition by Maria Korporal with installation and videos

QLIMATE QRONOBOT. Installation by Maria Korporal, Berlin 2024

QLIMATE QRONOBOT. Installation by Maria Korporal, Berlin 2024

19.7. – 16.8.2024, Tuesdays and Fridays 5-8 p.m.

Can AI help us combat climate change? What are the possibilities? Are there any contradictions?

The artist will set up a site-specific multimedia installation in the gallery. She asked an online AI: “Imagine you are the Qlimate Qronobot, and I ask you what you can do to fight the climate crisis and save our planet, what would you answer?” The artist incorporated the answers into her installation. She projects a dystopian 360° landscape onto the walls. The “Qlimate Qronobot” rotates in the center. This is a physical robot-like figure made of cubes printed with scannable black and white codes on all sides. These can call up various augmented reality displays: an animated, multi-colored interplay of analog chalk drawings and AI-generated shapes and texts, and smaller virtual cubes that move around in a virtuoso ball game. A webcam captures the room with the augmented reality scenes, which cannot be seen with the naked eye, and projects the overall image into the neighboring room. The gray tones of the 360-degree landscape turn into rainbow colors. Guests can scan the robot with their smartphones and look inside it.

The work is part of the comprehensive work-in-progress project “Qorporal Quests“. In a series of multimedia installations, Maria Korporal questions the global digital development and uses combinations of analog and digital techniques.

The artist will also be showing a selection of her videos that deal with sustainability, the environment and climate change.



The artist presents her Qlimate Qronobot © Maria Korporal. Click on the picture to open the video.


The installation “Qlimate Qronobot” in the exhibition © Maria Korporal. Click on the image to open the video




19.7., 7 p.m. Vernissage, introduction to the exhibition Tom Albrecht


Some impressions of the vernissage:

26.7, 7 p.m., lecture with discussion “AI and the Climate change: opportunities and risks”,
Dr. Friederike Rohde, IÖW

9.8., 7 pm, artist talk. The artist talks with guests about her works. Moderation Tom Albrecht

16.8., 7 pm, finissage, performance: “Live-Looping Performance”. Stephan Groß and Marcus Urruh, improvising with voice, guitar, didgeridoo, bansuri flute, melodica, percussion and synthesizer.

Cocuration Tom Albrecht, 65th exhibition of GG3


Qlimate Qronobot Flyer

Download invitation flyer in PDF