We are artists from Berlin and run the project space and gallery of the same name on a voluntary basis as Group Global 3000, GG3. GG3 has been planning, jurying and curating international exhibitions on sustainability issues with a focus on the ecological since 2013.
Mission statement
“Our exhibition themes in the visual arts focus always deal with sustainability (NH). We integrate the NH into the practical operation of the project space. We encourage our artists to consider the NH in their work. We formulate help for this.” We support the ” Sustainable Development Goals “. Sustainability is defined in such a way that future generations should have the same opportunities for a fulfilling life as we do. At the same time, the opportunities for all people on earth must be distributed more fairly. Sustainable development combines economic progress with social justice and protection of the natural environment. With art we want to give impulses to the public and make our contribution. We offer a cultural space for thinking about the large and small political processes of sustainability and non-sustainability. We don’t raise the moral index finger, we seek encounters, touch and discourse. The needs and measures are concretized in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)” “If we really want to assert sustainability as a socially relevant, world-changing issue, we will have no choice but to do so using the means of art.” (Adrienne Goehler: Arte.TV “Kultur – Koste es, was es wolle!”, 16. 9.2015)
As the artist group Group Global 3000, we have been working for art and sustainability since 2012. In our artistic discourse, we focus on ecological issues combined with social and/or economic ones. Our works are part of a new art language in which sustainability is inherent. In this way, GG3 promotes sustainability as a socially relevant and world-changing process. Art is challenged in its mediating role when it comes to making the invisible visible. We run the non-profit gallery “Group Global 3000” in Berlin-Kreuzberg. It is located where the former German Wall ran. The traces can still be seen on the road and the property.
In collaboration with international artists, we present exhibitions and events using the following media: object art, installation, drawing, photography, video, land art, painting, etc. Our events are free of charge. As a rule, we publicly advertise the exhibition themes and judge the submitted works. When selecting the applicants and their works, we pay strict attention to the connection to the advertised topic. We communicate in English and German. Our logo expresses the wasteful handling of the world. We live and do business as if we had a second world at our disposal. Our name Group Global 3000 shows that people act locally, think globally and for the future together. We work for the “best of both worlds”. We value discourse, thematic depth and encounters. Our exhibitions include four events: vernissage, artist talk, specialist lecture and finissage. We recruit speakers from science, NGOs, journalism and business. We seek a cooperative relationship with our artists and work with artists on an equal footing. Everyone is responsible for their own area, the artists for their work, we for the gallery with its exhibition. Our ecological practice is part of our work.
Themes of the exhibitions
We draw the themes of the exhibitions from current social, philosophical and ecological discussions. We work artistically with e.g:
- the pace of society and the individual and their effects on nature
- our dealings with external nature, energy and materials
- our dealings with inner nature, ie our body
- our economic activity against waste and the exploitation of people and nature
- of global social, economic and environmental development and our response to it
- the loss and gain of home and its effects on nature or through its changes
- the tension between nature and culture
- of one’s own practice and not of theory
- the exploration of artistic, inventive and scientific issues in terms of sustainability
We work visitor-oriented
- We see our basic mission in stimulating with art through dialogue to more sustainability. We don’t want to raise the moral index finger.
- We want to address visitors as equals.
- We are happy when visitors start a dialogue with us: join the team, the artists, the association.
- Our art: The reaction of our guests is important to us. They don’t need any prior knowledge for this. You are welcome to ask us about our art.
- Exhibition: The texts next to the works are intended to help guests access the works.
- We organize four events for each exhibition where we want to encourage exchange: vernissage with music, performance, introduction to the exhibition at the vernissage, artist talk, lecture and finissage.
- Introduction to the exhibition: We active people introduce ourselves to the guests and the artists present. We each say a short sentence about the work on display.
- The lecture by specialist speakers deepens the theme of the exhibition. The discussion afterwards is welcome. Intermediate questions are almost always possible.
- We develop the themes of the exhibition from the current social dialogue with titles that are as accessible as possible.
- If guests wish to be invited personally, they can leave their email address in the guest book or at the bottom of our website.
- Visitors are welcome to enter comments about the exhibition in the guest book.
- Exhibition without an event: Visitors can contact the exhibition supervisor with questions or comments. But visitors don’t have to. We are happy when visitors seek dialogue with us.
- Our flyers, website and poster should inform the guests about our offer.
- Visitors can become active with us: eg join the association, donate, take on supervision.
- We mention on website and invitation the public transport connections, so that guests avoid the KFZ.
Lecture by Tom Albrecht about GG3 on November 17th, 2018 at the EXCHANGE BERLIN (6 pages, pdf)