Become a member of our project space team!

Reinforcement for our project room team wanted


In 2024, we are the three members Tom Albrecht, Stephan Groß and Maria Korporal. We would like to become more and are looking for reinforcement for our project room team.

We offer: A productive, appreciative, inspiring, effective collaboration, participation in exhibitions, solo exhibition possible after at least one year of collaboration, gallery practice, contribution to the sustainable development of society.

The Group Global 3000 team has been planning and organizing approx. 3 exhibitions in Berlin Kreuzberg on a voluntary basis since 2013, each with approx. 4 events with sustainable visual art, 63 exhibitions so far, and develops and juries open calls for them. We are the only visual arts venue in Berlin that is constantly dedicated to sustainability in theme, work, operation, and guest appeal.

Requirements: You are interested in sustainability, create your own visual art for the NH, are from Berlin or the region, take part in our online workshop or physical meetings every 4 weeks, give input, apply to our open calls, and help with the exhibitions and have a longer perspective in Berlin. Our working language is German.

Please send your application with a short bio to Group Global 3000 e.V., Leuschnerdamm 19, 10999 Berlin,

Contact: Tom Albrecht, 030 6154749,