Product cycles are too fast. Planned wear and tear has an avoidable impact on the environment and accelerates the economy. race where? Working at high speeds makes you ill, fast enjoyment makes you crazy. In contrast, what does a culture of slowness look like? For individuals, for society? A critical, utopian exhibition from a sustainable point of view.
Exhibiting artists
Annegret Muller
Christian Gaebert
Ingrid Ung
Dorotea Etzler
Gerda Zuleger
Maria Mathieu
Sandra Bozic
Sophie Engstrom von Alten
Catherine Forster
Mary Corporal
Enes Zuljevic
Dave Ball
Birgit Herzberg-Jochum
Exhibition – performances, workshop, lecture, talks
October 17, 2014 to November 28, 2014
Mrs. 10/17/14, 7:00 p.m. vernissage
Mrs. 24.10.14. 7:00 p.m. artist talk
Sat. 11/01/2014. 6:00 p.m. “Slow Writing” . workshops.
Slowness through experience of calligraphy as an art. Workshop led by calligrapher Drury Brennan .
Mrs. 7.11.2014. 7:00 p.m. “Pace Back then” . Narrative, conversation Contemporary witness Anneliese Kannegiesser born in 1930 reports how time was dealt with at that time when eating, working, traveling, dressing…
Sat. 8.11.2014. 4 p.m. “Time and Slowness” Creative Writing Workshop by author Mathilde Ramadier .
So. 9.11.2014. 17:00. “Making an Eco diamond” workshop by architect and artist Sandra Bozic . The preparation of the “Eco-Diamond” is an interactive workshop in which the participants and the artist together create a sculpture with plastic bags that are picked up every day in the supermarket and shop. These will fill the wooden structure in the shape of the diamond.
Mrs. 14.11.2014. 7:00 p.m. “(Be)deceleration “. Lecture , discussion with the economist Enrique Partearroyo . He gives an introduction to post-growth economics and the concepts of authors such as Amartya Sen, J. Alier, Jevons. Then the audience discusses.
Mrs. 11/22/2014, 7:00 p.m. Reading of the “Time and Slowness” Creative Writing Workshop texts by the workshop participants.
Mrs. 11/28/14, 7:00 p.m. Closing + Performance “Accompanied Walk” , by Kovács/O’Doherty, with Stephen Doyle, Laura Hicks, Kata Kovács and Brendan Dougherty

Performance “Accompanied Walk”, by Kovács/O’Doherty, with Stephen Doyle, Laura Hicks, Kata Kovács and Brendan Dougherty

Christiane Gaebert, ALICE WAS VERY SURPRISED, Playing with Alice, 2012-2015, Work in Progress Würzburg/Berlin, Germany Installation, artist talk

Dorothea Etzler, THE NOTHING / NOTHING #30, 2014, Berlin, Concept Art, 1500 Screenshots, Video 1h25′

Sofie Engstrom von Alten, UNTITTLED, 2014, Santa Cruz, California, USA, Free hand drawings. Ink and watercolor on paper. Different sizes.

Birgit Herzberg-Jochum,
EVERY AGE LIVES A MAGIC INSIDE 1-3, 2014, Stuttgart, Germany, photograph, 3 pieces each 40 x 40 cm

Maria Mathieu, HOW LONG IS A WAY Nº1, 46 parts, 2014 Bremen, Germany Drawing, pencil on paper, 24 x 173 cm from the series: `How long is a way N°1 – N° 17´ day 1 / day 6 / day / day 7 / day 46 are completed