Guests in front of European Sleeper, Daniel Theiler, 2023, Berlin, cat wash (Photo S.G.)

Guests in front of European Sleeper, Daniel Theiler, 2023, Berlin, (Photo S.G.)

“Impressive! Highly exciting, disturbing, very individual. Successful exhibition. Thank you!” Guest 3.5.2024

“Thank you so much for swiping. I feel better now!” Guest 3.5.2024

“Newly discovered and enthusiastically received”
Pair 3.5.2024

“Exciting, thought-provoking, but also an opportunity to discuss specific issues.” Visitor, 18.5.2024

“This small gallery does immense, important work and produces extremely exciting works. I am always impressed by every exhibition, how it gets to the heart of the topic with every work of art. Thank you very much for your work, keep up the good work!” Visitor, 5/31/2024