Exhibition 4.7.2025 – 15.8. 2025
Newspapers in the Springer press headline: “Germany facing the solar debacle”. That is fake news. They are disseminated worldwide by politicians, the press and on social media.
The energy transition is going much better than the right-wing scaremongers from BILD, WELT and others would have us believe. Wind turbines and solar power complement each other well. We have enough power plants to generate enough electricity even during “dark doldrums”. Generating, distributing and using renewable energy from the sun and wind instead of fossil fuels is the energy transition.
How do you expose fake news? How do you set positive signals instead?
We are planning an exhibition on the subject and are inviting artists from all over the world to submit their proposals. We would like to see works that address this issue and conserve resources in terms of transportation and materials.
We will jury them as a team and show them in our rooms.

Riiko Sakkinen, Climate Change Denial Is Not a River in Egypt, – – 2024 – www.riikosakkinen.com, Wit power. Climate protection instead of fake news
Link to the topic in German: https://www.volksverpetzer.de/faktencheck/energiewende-luegen-widerlegt/
International call
Deadline 16.5.2025, 24 o’clock
In a public call for entries, we invite artists to submit contributions for a group exhibition in our exhibition spaces on the theme described above.
Disciplines: object, sculpture, installation, photography, painting, drawing, printmaking, video with credits given, sound is possible. A performative contribution such as a performance, VJ or similar to the vernissage, artist talk or finissage is desired.
We offer exhibition space with equipment, bar, advertising by mail and div. Websites and social media and web and print flyers, organization of the work texts, the lecture, the documentation.
We do not charge a fee for applications, exhibitions etc. We are a free, self-organized project space and work on a voluntary basis.
Works: Individual artists or existing artist groups can apply online via the application form with max. three plants. We expect exhibiting artists to make sustainable use of materials and energy.
Attendance for regional artists is desired for vernissage and the artist talk, as well as attendance at a date of the exhibition.
We only accept letters and videos from non-EU countries, not parcels.
We ask that senders enclose return postage for works sent to us.
Unfortunately, there is no budget for production, additional technical equipment, transport and insurance, the space is technically secured.
We expect good cooperation and agree on rules for this, gg3 rules regeln 2022, pdf .
Click here for the online application form
Jury Team GG3: Tom Albrecht, Stephan Groß, Maria Korporal, John Maibohm
Curator: Tom Albrecht
Co-curator: Katja Hock
Address: Leuschnerdamm 19, D 10999 Berlin, Germany
Mails: clevergreen@gg3.eu
68. exhibition
Funding: Group Global 3000 e.V.
Q and A Tenders GG3
Q: Is there a way to review my submission to confirm it was submitted correctly?
A: This is not necessary if the submission has been accepted and you have received a confirmation email.
Q: Would you recommend submitting only new artwork applications, and if so, will this affect my application?
A: No, it doesn’t matter. The decisive factors are the strong reference to the advertised theme and the artistic quality.
Q: I fail to upload the CV and show list.
A: Only pdf and doc formats are accepted, max. 10 MB. No docx or odt!
Q: Made a mistake, can I correct my application?
A:No problem, we correct for acceptances.
Q: How do I submit multiple works?
A: Close the first application and reopen the form.
Q: Is it possible to send you an application by email?
A: Application by mail is not possible due to the work of the jury.
In the gallery on Fridays and Tuesdays 5-8 pm
Vernissage Fri., 4.7.2025, 7 pm
Artist:Inside talk Fri. n.n. o’clock
Artists of the exhibition talk with guests about their works.