Vernissage 15.10. 19 o’clock
Performance Ticia Fir “A ton of needles”

sagtmal, Christina Stark

Ketaland, Ketevan Mamaladze

Flower Bomb. Michelle Gallagher

Center: On the state of the region, Marvin Systermanns; right: Vertical waves / move 1, Bernd Engler

The Four Seasons, Mariel Gottwick

Most of all, I remember the sun, Stephan Groß
Video evening “After a while what is strange” with talk Florine Schüschke Fri. Oct. 29, 7 p.m.

Video still from “After a while what is strange”, Florine Schüschke
Artist talk Fri. 12.11., 7 pm The artists of the exhibition talk with guests about their works.

Mariel Gottwick talks about her work (C T.A.)

Lioba von den Driesch talks about her video with Zoom participation (C T.A.)
Workshop “Successful with Sustainable Art” Fri. Nov. 26, 7 p.m. Introduction and direction Tom Albrecht

Workshop “Successful with Sustainable Art” Poster 1

Workshop “Successful with Sustainable Art” Poster 2

Workshop “Successful with Sustainable Art” Analog and digital
Closing Fri. 10.12. , 7 pm