Our way of life creates a new earth epoch, the human age, Anthropocene. Present from the deep sea to the edge of the atmosphere, modern man affects the course of evolution. His actions will also be visible in the distant future. Human activity has taken on a whole new quality since the end of World War II. Thanks to rapid growth, humanity is now shaping the geological tradition of our time globally, instead of being just one factor among many. HUMAN TIME, we are creating a new earth epoch!
New geological structures form our cities of glass and concrete all over the world.
Agricultural landscapes are created for our food. Driving, flying and transporting goods all contribute to climate change. Plastic,
other synthetic materials to radiant elements are ubiquitous in the biosphere, and many of them are long-lived over geological timescales. Dams that retain sediment in the headwaters of rivers have long-term consequences. Ships and airplanes transport thousands of alien species from one continent to another.
Artists show the topic with object, photo, painting, graphics, video, sound performance
Tom Albrecht, Beatriz Albuquerque, Jörn Birkholz, Chris Dietzel, Liliana Folta, Ria Gerth, Franziska Harnisch, Timo Hoheisel, Linda Lenssen, Kopi Kaputa, Jürgen Moldenhauer, Mady Piesold, Eyal Segal
Program PEOPLE’S TIME, we are creating a new earth epoch!
Cooperation partner of the Berlin Art Week 2016

Exhibition from 13.09. until 04.11.2016,
Object, photo, painting, graphics, video, sound performance, performance.
Exhibition open: Thursdays 10 am – 2 pm and 3 pm – 6 pm, Fridays 12 pm – 4 pm and 5 pm – 8 pm.
Opening Tue. 13.9. 7 pm : Whathappensnext-Ensemble Berlin, Metastylistic adhoc chamber music
Connie Voss, voice; Gudrun Doberenz, voice; Max Stehle, saxophone; Esther von der Osten, violin; Hartmut Arweiler, guitar; Reinhard Gagel, accordion, conductor.
Exhibition on the day of the project rooms Fr. 16.9.: 1-4 p.m., Sat. 17.9.: 1-6 p.m.,
Sun.18.9.: 1-6 p.m. Tom Albrecht is present.
Artist Talk: September 30, 2016, 7 p.m
Lecture: 7.10., 7 p.m., “ANTHROPOZÄN Help, we are creating a new earth epoch!”, Speaker: Christian Schwägerl, author of the book “Menschenzeit”.
Audiovisual performance “Dänikens Wake”: October 28, 7 p.m. Kopi Kaputa ,
4.11.2016, 7 pm, performance with auction “Plastikbeute” by Franziska Harnisch: catalog, written bid
*Plastic bags are the canvas of industry, of shopping – capitalism in bag form. They serve and have always served as a proverbial advertising medium with recognition value. *
*In the work “Plastikbeute” by Franziska Harnisch, bags become images. As such, they are and remain relics of a single use – from long-forgotten times of consumption. They testify to the industrial-global upswing of the shopping mankind. At the finissage of “Menschenzeit”, auctioneer Anton Krause tells the stories of the respective bag pictures in a performative auction and lets them, along with their story, change hands.*
*Written bids can be submitted on site or – until November 4th, 2016, 6 p.m., by e-mail:* *franziska.harnisch[at] gmail.com< http://gmail.com> *
performative auction Plastikbeute by Franziska Harnisch from Franziska Harnisch on Vimeo.