Jeans, Life- and DeathStyle
Objekt und Lebendobjekt, Foto, Collage, Sound,
Video- und Interaktivinstallation
Eine von 13 Künstlern der GG3 kooperativ erarbeitete Gruppenausstellung mit dem gemeinsamen Thema Ausgewaschen.
Eine ausstellende Künstlerin: “.. ich stelle zwar viel aus, aber die Atmosphäre und den Gemeinschaftsgeist in GG3 finde ich besonders gut.”
Helena Hernández and Rafael Koller, Maria Korporal, Maria Mathieu, Mariel Gottwick, Anna Rehe, Robert Günther, Stephan Gross, Sven Wieder, Thomas Kleinschmidt, Tom Albrecht, Willi Tomes, Naemeh Shirazi
Ausstellung :
5. Juni – 17. Juli 2015
freitags 17-20 Uhr
Vernissage mit Interactive Performance „Distressed“ Naemeh Shirazi 5.6., 19 Uhr
Künstlergespräch 12.6., 19 Uhr
Vortrag Johanna Bose, Helen Laura Gimber 26.6., 19 Uhr
“The Jeans Lifecycle … a critical perspective”
From the cotton field and working conditions during production to consumer use and a ‘second life’ as an upcycled product.”
“Das Leben einer Jeans”
Eine kritische Betrachtungsweise vom Baumwollfeld über Arbeitsbedingungen bei der Herstellung bis hin zur upgecycleten Jacke”
The jeans lifecycle: a critical perspective Die globale Lieferkette: CCC Workshop (Deutsch) Zwei Berichte: Fashion Victims: a report on sandblasted denim (pdf) Breathless for Blue Jeans: Health hazards in China's denim factories (pdf)
Performance von Mariangeles Aguirre „DIY = Do Identity Yourself . Identity Booth and Live Collaborative Garment Interventions“ 26.6., 19 Uhr
The Identity Booth is an invitation to re-think dressing as an act of self expression and identity construction. The public will be able to participate actively trying different "looks", "disguises" or "identities" and looking to themself on a mirror. Later, they will get pictures of their new identity sent to to their email addresses if they want to. The Collaborative garment intervention on jeans will be a step into DIY and garment customisation world. The public will be invited to take part hands-on on a live piece intervention. Each material they ad to the clothing piece will represent a mood or personality characteristic they can choose. The idea is to make people think about what we communicate with clothing, and specially how much we can communicate when we do or customise our own clothes. They no longer spread somebody's elses message, but our own.
Finissage 17.7., 19 Uhr
Dokumentation der Werke von Ausgewaschen